السبت، 8 أكتوبر 2011

جيهان السادات:أرحب بحكم الإسلاميين

رحبت جيهان السادات بوصول التيارات الإسلامية للحكم فى مصر واندماجهم فى الحياة السياسية  , شريطة أن يلتزموا بالدستور لأنه المحدد لسلطات الجميع.
و أضافت لبرنامج "مصر الجديدة" اليوم السبت أن مشروع توريث جمال مبارك الحكم  كان سببا رئيسيا فى قيام الثورة و أن الناس زهقت من مبارك و فوجئت بمؤشرات لتوريث نجله, مؤكدة ان سوزان أخطأت عندما تبنت التوريث و أن جمال و علاء كلفا اباهم الكثير.
ووصفت السادات لحظة دخول مبارك للمحكمة وهو نائم  على سرير طبى بأنه منظر سيئ و قالت: انه كان من الأفضل أن يدخل واقفا على قدميه لأن المشهد كان مؤلما.وأضافت أن مايتردد عن تورط مبارك فى اغتيال زوجها كلام خاطئ بدون دليل و لو ثبت تورطه كانت ستكون أول المتصدين له .


العريان: على حاملى سندات اليونان تحمل خسائر أكبر

نقلت صحيفة يونانية اليوم السبت عن محمد العريان الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة بيمكو - أكبر مدير لصناديق السندات في العالم- قوله إنه يتعين على اليونان أن تطلب من حملة سنداتها قبول خسائر أكبر من شطب 21% من سنداتهم وهي النسبة المتوقعة حاليا بمقتضى اتفاق وافق عليه زعماء الاتحاد الأوروبي في 21 يوليو.
ونقلت صحيفة كاثيميريني الأسبوعية عن العريان قوله في مقابلة "يجب على اليونان أن تسعى إلى خفض للسندات أكبر بكثير من 21 %".
وتدير بيمكو أصولا قيمتها 1.2 تريليون دولار ولديها أكبر صندوق للسندات في العالم.
وقال العريان في المقابلة "اتفاق 21 يوليو هو بداية لكنه يقل كثيرا عما تحتاجه اليونان لتحمل عبء ديونها المفرط وإيجاد الظروف التي ستعيدها إلى مسار نمو تتوفر له مقومات الاستمرارية".

لاجارد تلتقى ساركوزى لبحث أزمة الديون بمنطقة اليورو

وصلت مديرة صندوق النقد الدولى كريستين لاجارد إلى قصر الإليزية ظهر اليوم السبت لإجراء محادثات مع الرئيس الفرنسى نيكولا ساركوزى بشأن قضية الديون الأوروبية.
تأتى زيارة لاجارد عشية مغادرة ساركوزى البلاد متوجها إلى برلين حيث من المتوقع ان يلتقى مع المستشارة الألمانية انجيلا ميركل لبحث خطة الإنقاذ الجديدة لليونان.
وذكرت تقارير محلية أن المناقشة بين لاجارد وساركوزى ستتركز أيضا على الاستعداد لقمة مجموعة العشرين التى ستعقد الشهر القادم فى مدينة كان والتى من الواضح أن مشكلة الديون فى منطقة اليورو ستأتى فى صدارة جدول أعمالها.
يكثف القادة الأوروبيون والمنظمات الدولية المشاركة فى حزمة إنقاذ أعضاء منطقة اليورو المثقلين بالديون اجتماعاتهم فى وقت تشهد فيه السوق المالية تقلبات، وتواجه فيها البنوك الأوروبية ضغوط إعادة رسملة، وتبرز فيه المزيد من الصعوبات أمام اليونان وغيرها من أعضاء منطقة اليورو.


ريندر: يجب مساعدة اليونان لتفادى انهيار مالى

نقلت صحيفة يونانية اليوم السبت عن وزير المالية البلجيكي ديديه ريندر قوله: إنه يجب مساعدة اليونان لتفادي عدوى مالية على غرار انهيار بنك ليمان براذارز.
ونقلت صحيفة بروتو تيما عن ريندر قوله في مقابلة: "يجب علينا أن نساعد اليونان لتفادي تكرار ما حدث لليمان براذرز في 2008 ... اذا لم نحل مشكلة الدين اليوناني -أو ما هو أسوأ- اذا كان هناك خطر لانتقال العدوى الي إسبانيا وإيطاليا.. عندئذ فإن أسوأ السيناريوهات ربما يتحقق.
وحذر وزير المالية البلجيكي أيضا من إطالة أمد برنامج التقشف اليوناني.
وقال: الاجراءات التي اتخذتها أثينا غير عادية بالنظر الي الركود الكبير. لكن في مرحلة ما فإن استمرار هذه الإجراءات يجب أن يتوقف. هذا غير مقبول على الصعيد السياسي أو الاجتماعي أو حتى الاقتصادي. لا نريد للدواء أن يقتل اليونان.

دعوي قضائية تطالب ببطلان عقد استغلال منجم السكري

في تطوير جديد للدعاوي القضائية الخاصة باسترداد الأصول المملوكة للدولة، اقام المهندس حمدي الفخراني دعوة جديدة،
للمطالبة ببطلان عقد تنقيب واستخراج واستغلال الذهب من منجم الذهب بجبل السكري الواقع علي بعد 25 كيلو متراً من مدينة مرسي علم بمحافظة البحر الاحمر، اكدت الدعاوي ان الاتفاقية مجحفة بحقوق الشعب المصري تماماً مثل اتفاقية عقد بيع الغاز الطبيعي لإسرائيل.
اشار وائل حمدي السعيد المحامي إلي أن نصوص الاتفاقية توجب حصول شركة «سنتامين مصر» ويمثلها أحد المصريين الذي يحملون الجنسية الاسترالية علي 50٪ من الذهب المستخرج وتحصل مصر علي 50٪ الباقية مما يمثل اجحافاً بحق المصريين.
وأضاف السعيد، أن الاتفاقية التي وضعت عام 2004، مخالفة لاحكام المادة السادسة من القانون 1956 الخاصة بالمناجم والمحاجر، الذي يقضي أن يكون التنقيب عن طريق مزايدة علنية وأن تقوم وزارة التجارة والصناعة باعمال البحث العلمي والاستغلال مباشرة أو بطريق الالتزام، واشار السعيد إلي أن عقد التنقيب مجحف ايضا لعدة اسباب اهمها أن استخراج الذهب كان يقوم به قدماء المصريين ولا يحتاج إلي خبرات ليست موجودة في مصر ولا يحتاج إلي تكنولوجيا كبيرة كما أن الاستثمارات المستخدمة في انشاء مصنع الذهب هي أقل من الاستثمارات التي يحتاجها انشاء مصنع حديد أو مصنع نحاس وقد أعلنت شركة «سنتامين مصر» انها انفقت مبلغ 430 مليون دولار في المشروع، ويؤكد السعيد ان منجم السكري هو المنجم رقم 10 علي مستوي العالم من حيث حجم الانتاج الاحتياطي وتبلغ قيمة الذهب المتوقع استخراجها من هذا المنجم 50 مليار دولار أي نحو 300 مليار جنيه مصري يحصل المستثمر الاجنبي علي 150 مليار جنيه منها، وتنص الاتفاقية علي استرداد المستثمر كل ما دفعه أولاً من استثمارات الانتاج الاول للمنجم، وبعد ان يتم استيفاء كل ما دفعه تبدأ مصر في الحصول علي 50٪ من انتاج المنجم.
وقال السعيد إن الدعوي مرفوعة ضد رئيس الوزراء، ووزير البترول ووزير الصناعة ورئيس مجلس إدارة الهيئة المصرية العامة للثروة المعدنية ومحافظ البنك المركزي ورئيس مجلس ادارة البنك التجاري ورئيس مجلس إدارة شركة سنتامين مصر كل منهم بصفته، وعليه فقد اختصم المدعي عليهما الاخير والسادس لانه تم الاعلان انه تم انتاج 10 أطنان ذهب خالص في عام  2010 تتجاوز قيمتها 2.6 مليار جنيه وتم ارسال هذه الكمية إلي كندا عبر مطار مرسي علم لدمغها وتنقيتها ولا يعرف الشعب المصري مصير هذه الكمية حتي الآن ولهذا تم اختصام محافظ البنك المركزي ورئيس مجلس إدارة البنك التجاري المصري، حيث لم تظهر هذه الكميات في ميزانية 2010 ولم تتم زيادة رصيد مصر من الذهب واحتياطها، واضاف السعيد ان المطالبة ببطلان العقد تأتي حفاظاً علي ثروات مصر التعدينية، كما ان المستثمر يحصل علي 50٪ من الانتاج دون دفع ضرائب فضلاً عن غياب المعايير والضوابط التي استندت إليها جهة الادارة في تحديد واعطاء 50٪ للمستثمر الاسترالي، كما ان كميات الذهب تؤكد أن هذا المنجم ثروة قومية استراتيجية يمكن للدولة عن طريق استغلاله بواسطة الهيئة المصرية العامة للثروة المعدنية ان تحقق من ورائه مليارات وتسهم في خفض عجز الميزانية.

وفرة المطروح من العجول بالأسواق

طرحت بالأسواق كميات كبيرة من العجول تتراوح أحجامها ما بين 350 إلي 450 كيلو مما نجم عنها انخفاض في سعر العجول علي القائم من 30 إلي 25 جنيهاً للكيلو.
علل المهندس أحمد أبوخطوة رئيس لجنة الإنتاج الحيواني الأسبق بالمجلس التصديري للحاصلات الزراعية بالوفرة في المطروح باتجاه معظم الفلاحين إلي التخلص من المخزون لديها.
وبرر ذلك التصرف بعدم قدرتهم علي منافسة العجول المستوردة لارتفاع سعر التكلفة، خاصة الأعلاف.
حذر "أبوخطوة" من استمرار هذا التوجه الذي يؤدي إلي اختفاء العجول المحلية من السوق بعد 4 أشهر الأمر الذي يهدد الثروة الحيوانية، مشيراً إلي تداعيات استمرار استيراد عجول الذبح بدلاً من التربية علي الاقتصاد والعمالة.
وطالب بالإسراع باستيراد عجول صغيرة تتراوح أوزانها ما بين 70 و100 كيلو للعجل علي ألا يقوم بتمويل عملية الاستيراد بنك التنمية الزراعي.
يذكر أن حجم الاستيراد يصل إلي 60% من حجم السوق المصري والمعروف أن الحكومة اتبعت أسلوب إهدار عمدي للإنتاج الحيواني لصالح 3 من الشركات المستوردة من خلال رفض المسئولين الموافقة علي استيراد عجول تربية وإقصاء لجنة الإنتاج الحيواني من المجلس منذ أكثر من 5 سنوات.

وصول رسالة خشب من أستونيا لميناء الإسكندرية

وصلت إلي ميناء الإسكندرية الباخرة الليبيرية "بي بي سي ليدر لاند" قادمة من أستونيا وتحمل رسالة خشب تبلغ 14 ألف متر.
وقال رئيس هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية اللواء السيد حامد هداية إنه تم اتخاذ كافة الإجراءات الجمركية الخاصة بتفريغ حمولة السفينة دون معوقات وتفريغها علي الارصفة.


‏عمرو موسي حرق نفسه‏ والبرادعي فقد شعبيته‏..‏ وصباحي يدفع ثمن موقفه من كامب ديفيد

تصمت كثيرا‏..‏ وعندما تتحدث تبدو حذرة ومترددة‏..‏ وعندما تتخذ القرار لا تخشي البوح بآرائها حتي لو كانت تشبه طلقات رصاص من العيار الثقيل‏.. لا تجيد فن المراوغة‏..‏ لو حاولت أن تبرز أمامها مهاراتك الحوارية‏.
تفاجئك بأن أقصر الطرق إلي الحقيقة والصواب هو مد خط مستقيم بين نقطتين, والنقطتان في رأيها هما الصراحة والوضوح, أما الخط المستقيم فهو قولة الحق والإخلاص لهذا الوطن.. المستشار الدكتورة نهي الزيني في حوار بين الحاضر والمستقبل:
} عندما تعرف الشارع السياسي علي الدكتورة نهي الزيني كان فضح تزوير الانتخابات بدائرة دمنهور هو بطاقة التعارف والاشتباك لك مع الوسط السياسي.. وها نحن نعيش أجواء انتخابات الثورة.. فهل ستشاركين في الإشراف القضائي؟
}} لن أشارك.
} لماذا؟!
}} لأسباب سوف أعلنها في الوقت المناسب.
} ولماذا لا تعلينها الآن؟
}} لأنني أخشي أشياء كثيرة.
} هل تخشين التزوير مرة أخري؟!
}} لا.. لن يحدث تزوير.
} إذن ما الذي تخشينه؟!
}} أخشي من شرذمة سياسية أكبر في الشارع السياسي, واللجوء إلي جميع الوسائل غير المشروعة وحدوث استقطاب بين القوي السياسية بشكل غير مقبول.
} لكن هذا لا يكفي لاتخاذك قرارا بعدم المشاركة؟!
}} أري أنه ليس من الأفضل إجراء الانتخابات البرلمانية قبل عودة الأمن بالشارع, ووجود شرطة قضائية تحمي اللجان, وتطبيق قانون العزل السياسي علي كل رموز النظام السابق.
} وما رؤيتك لقانون العزل السياسي ؟!
}} ضرورة إبعاد كل رموز النظام السابق خاصة الذين شاركوا في برلماني الشعب والشوري علي الأقل دورة2010 وخاصة الذين نجحوا بالنزوير.
} لكن من الممكن أن يتم استبعاد مرشح سابق لكنه يقوم بترشيح شقيقه أو بن عمه لاسيما في الدوائر التي تحكمها العصبيات والقبليات؟
}} في النهاية شقيقه أو ابن عمه أرحم منه بكثير جدا.
} وماهي قراءاتك لتشكيلة مقاعد البرلمان المقبل؟
}} الإخوان سيحصلون علي30%, والتيارات الإسلامية الظاهرة وغير الظاهرة ستحصل علي15% أي أن الأغلبية ستكون للتيارات الإسلامية.
} وماذا عن حزب الوفد؟!
}} علي الأكثر سيحصل علي10%.
} والفلول؟!
}} إذا سمح لهم بالترشح سيحصلون علي نسبة لكنها ستكون قليلة.
}.. والأحزاب الحديثة التي جاءت بعد الثورة؟!
}} ستحصد مقاعد أكثر من الأحزاب القديمة التي كانت في- وجهة نظري- بمثابة ظهير للنظام مثل ظهير الصحراوي كده.
} ماذا يعني ظهير النظام؟!
}} الأحزاب التي كان وجودها يعطي شرعية للنظام السابق.
} لكن ربما يري البعض أن ذلك إجحاف وأن الحرية والديمقراطية لا تعني إلغاء الآخر؟!
}} ياسيدي.. أؤكد لك أنه لا أمل في الأحزاب التي استفادت من النظام السابق, ولو بأداء دور المعارض الهزلي.
} تقصدين أن الأحزاب القديمة كانت تقوم بالمعارضة الهزلية؟!
}} نعم.. وحصلت علي المقاعد مقابل أنها تؤدي دورا تمثيليا.
} من الواضح أن هناك فكرة تلوح في أفقك بشأن الانتخابات.. الأفضل أن تكشفي عنها بصراحة؟!
}} صمت قليل: أطالب القوي السياسية والأحزاب بأن تكون جادة في مقاطعة هذه الانتخابات حتي يتم اتخاذ إجراءات جادة للعزل السياسي.
} لكن هذا الرأي يعتبره بعض المراقبين والقوي السياسية أنه يعطل البدء في حركة الحياة السياسية والوصول إلي الاستقرار.
} التعطيل أفضل من برلمان يأتي بمن أفسدوا علينا حياتنا.
} لكن التعطيل هنا يا دكتورة يعني أننا نسير في الاتجاه المعاكس؟!
}} كان الأفضل أن تكون هناك جمعية تأسيسة لوضع الدستور ثم بعدها نعمل ما نريد.

المحلاوي‏:‏ يطالب بإصدار قانون العزل

شهدت ساحة مسجد القائد إبراهيم تجمعا ضعيفا مقارنة بالجمع الماضية لانشغال القوي السياسية والتيارات الدينية بالقوائم الانتخابية وتزامن المظاهرات مع الاحتفالات بنصر أكتوبر‏.
وكانت خطبة الجمعة للشيخ المحلاوي مفاجأة لنقده الحاد لفئات الشعب والتيارات الإسلامية التي بدأت تتفرق لاكتساب مصالح شخصية بعيدا عن مصلحة الوطن الذي تحرر من الظلم والاستعباد.
وقال الشيخ أحمد المحلاوي خطيب مسجد القائد إبراهيم وخطيب الثوار بالاسكندرية: إن المشير محمد حسين طنطاوي رئيس المجلس العسكري لو تقدم باستقالته اليوم لن نقبلها, لأن النظام الذي عينه قد ولي, والشعب كلفه بتحمل مسئولية البلد ويلزمه ومعه المجلس العسكري الاستجابة لرغبة الشعب في الوقت الذي بدأت الثقة تهتز في ظل اقتصاد مهزوز, ووضع أمني متدهور يتيح لرجوع مليونيات من جديد البلاد في غني عنها, فإن المجلس العسكري واجه التحديات وتصدي لكل الضغوط فعليه باستكمال المسيرة في إجراء الانتخابات واصدار قانون العزل لمواجهة الذين افسدوا الحياة السياسية, وأن يكون الرئيس القادم خادما للشعب وإلغاء قانون الطوارئ والمحاكم العسكرية للمدنيين, ولا نطالبه بأن يحاول أن يسترد الأموال الطائلة المنهوبة, بل نطالبه ببناء مصر قوية أقوي مما كانت فهي قادرة بمواردها ورجالها علي البناء, وبعدها يعود المشير الي صفوف جنوده لحماية البلاد من الأطماع الخارجية.
وقد حمل الشيخ المحلاوي في خطبته أيضا المسئولية لجميع الفئات.
ووجه الشيخ المحلاوي عتابا شديدا الي التيارات الإسلامية ذاكرا الاخوان المسلمين والسلفيين والجماعات الإسلامية والصوفيين, والمسيحيين قائلا لهم: اتقوا الله في بلدكم, وأنتم رجال دعوة تحملون دين هذا البلد فإن بلادنا مسلمة ولا ترضي غير الاسلام دينا, فأن لم تستطيعوا أن تتجمعوا فكيف تجمعون من وراءكم ودعاهم بانقاذ البلد من التفرقة والمشاحنات السياسية فإن مايحدث حاليا هو في صالح الاعداء والمتربصين.
وأكد عبدالرحمن الجوهري منسق الائتلاف المدني الديمقراطي وحركة كفاية بالاسكندرية, أنهم لا يقومون في هذه الجمعة بتحريك مسيرات والاكتفاء بتوجيه رسالة للمجلس العسكري بأن الثوار موجودون بالميادين لحين تنفيذ مطالبهم التي من أهمها حاليا اصدار قانون العزل السياسي قبل اجراء الانتخابات وتسليم السلطة لمدنيين في أسرع وقت, وإلغاء قانون الطوارئ وعودة الأمن للشارع المصري وسرعة البت في محاكمات رموز الفساد والقصاص لدماء الشهداء.
ومن جهة أخري, أكد الدكتور صفوت حجازي رئيس مجلس أمناء الثورة أن المساس بالجيش المصري والقوات المسلحة هو خط أحمر متفائلا بتسليم المجلس العسكري للسلطة, وإقامة الدولة المدنية, موضحا ان توقيت تسليم السلطة لرجل مدني يحكم مصر بدستور يعبر عن إرادة الشعب سيكون عقب الانتخابات البرلمانية, وستحدده ميادين الثورة, مؤكدا ان الجيش المصري ليس مثل الجيوش الأخري في سوريا واليمن وليبيا, وانما جيش لمصر ولحماية الشعب المصري.
جاء ذلك خلال كلمته في المؤتمر الحاشد الذي حضره عشرات الآلاف تحت عنوان مصر ـ الانتصار الذي نظمته جماعة الاخوان وحزب الحرية والعدالة بالاسكندرية وتحدث فيه الشيخ أحمد المحلاوي خطيب الثورة والمهندس مدحت الحداد رئيس المكتب الإداري للجماعة, وحسين ابراهيم أمين الحزب بالاسكندرية, والذي أقيم في ميدان المحكمة بالدخيلة احتفالا بنصر أكتوبر وشهد تكريم شهداء حرب أكتوبر وشهداء الثورة.
ومن جانبه طرح المهندس مدحت الحداد رئيس المكتب الإداري للجماعة بالإسكندرية جدولا زمنيا لتسليم السلطة وإقامة الدولة المدنية بإقامة الانتخابات الرئاسية بشكل متواز مع انتخابات الشوري في الفترة من منتصف فبراير وحتي نهاية أبريل المقبل, مشيرا إلي أن العسكريين لا يجيدون العمل السياسي.
بينما حذر حسين إبراهيم أمين حزب الحرية والعدالة من محاولات بعض المؤسسات السيادية التي تسعي لتمويل وإعادة آليات جهاز أمن الدولة في النظام السابق تحت شعار الأمن الوطني واصفا تلك المحاولات بأنها لعب بالنار.
وفي كفر الشيخ نظم العشرات من شباب حركة6 ابريل والقوي الوطنية وابناء المحافظة مظاهرات رمزية بشوارع مدينة كفر الشيخ عقب صلاة الجمعة واستمرت عدة ساعات متواصلة أعلن خلالها الشباب ضرورة عودة الجيش إلي ثكناته العسكرية وتسليم الحكم إلي لجنة مدنية تتفق عليها القوي الوطنية وجميع الأحزاب السياسية وإلغاء قانون الطوارئ وإنهاء حكم العسكر ومنع محاكمة المدنيين أمام محاكم عسكرية وإلغاء الأحكام العسكرية الصادرة في حق المدنيين, وقام العديد من الشباب المشارك في المظاهرة برفع اللافتات المطالبة بالحرية والعدالة الاجتماعية وردد المتظاهرون العديد من الشعارات منها المشير هو مبارك, والشعب يريد اسقاط المشير, لا لا لحكم العسكر وغيرها من الشعارات الأخري طائفين بعدد كبير من شوارع كفر الشيخ.
وفي السويس: أفرجت قوات تأمين السويس التابعة للجيش الثالث الميداني عن خمس عناصر شبابية أثناء المظاهرة التي خاضها مجموعة من ائتلافات الشباب تنتقد أسلوب انتقال المرحلة الانتقالية.
وفي الإسماعيلية: تظاهر نحو20 من حركة6 أبريل بميدان الممر عقب صلاة الجمعة امس وذلك لمطالبة المجلس العسكري بتحديد جدول زمني لتسليم السلطة كما رفعوا لافتات تطالب بإلغاء المحاكمات العسكرية للمدنيين وذلك وسط غياب كامل للإخوان المسلمين والجماعات الإسلامية من هذه المظاهرة المحدودة.
بينما قاطعت الأحزاب والقوي والحركات السياسية والائتلافات الشبابية والثورية بمحافظة سوهاج جمعة عودوا إلي ثكناتكم التي دعت إليها بعض القوي والأحزاب والحركات السياسية والائتلافات والتحالفات أمس لاستكمال مطالب الثورة من خلال وضع جدول زمني لنقل السلطة في البلاد إلي سلطة مدنية منتخبة وانهاء حالة الطوارئ ووقف محاكمة المدنيين أمام المحاكم العسكرية وأصدار قانون الغدر بينما عارضت تلك الدعوة بعض القوي والأحزاب السياسية.
وفي ذات السياق أصدرت أحزاب الجبهة الديمقراطية والتجمع والوفد والمصري الديمقراطي الاجتماعي والكرامة والعمال الديمقراطي وائتلاف شباب الثورة وحركة مشروع شهيد لشباب أخميم بيانا تم توزيعه علي المصلين بمساجد سوهاج الكبري عقب صلاة الجمعة أمس تحت عنوان حبطت أعمالكم أكدوا فيه منذ ثورة25 يناير وعناصر الثورة المضادة تحاول أجهاض الثورة في معركة تلو الأخري.. والآن قررت عصابة الفساد وفلول الحزب المنحل وجماعة المستفيدين من العهد البائد نقل المعركة إلي صعيد مصر في محاولة أخيرة لمنع الثورة من استكمال مسيرتها نحو تطهير المنظومة المصرية منهم..
لذلك تعلن جميع الأحزاب والقوي الوطنية بمحافظة سوهاج رفضها التام للذين يدعون أنهم يتحدثون باسم صعيد مصر وهم أبعد ما يكونون عن جماهير الصعيد التي عانت طويلا من فسادهم واستيلائهم علي كل مصادر السلطة والثروة من خلال شبكة سرطانية للحزب الوطني المنحل ويحاولون الآن اثارة الفتنة من خلال إيهام المجلس العسكري والحكومة بانهم يمتلكون تحريك جماهير الصعيد في محاولة فاشلة للحيلولة دون تطبيق قانون الغدر عليهم.. وأختتم البيان بأن الصعيد منهم براء وجماهير صعيد مصر التي تمتلك قيم الشرف والعزة والكبرياء ليست تابعة لهم وأنها لن تورث بعد اليوم.
ونظم نحو مائة شخص من أحزاب الغد, والمصري الاجتماعي, وشباب6 ابريل, وشباب من أجل التغير, وقفة رمزية بميدان الساعة بدمنهور ظهر أمس للمطالبة بوضع جدول زمني محدد لنقل السلطة في البلاد إلي سلطة مدنية, وانهاء حالة الطوارئ.
رفع المشاركون لافتات السيادة للشعب, والشعب هو صاحب الكلمة الأخيرة, والشعب هو صاحب كل السلطات, كما اكدوا رفضهم نتائج الاجتماع الأخير للمجلس العسكري مع الأحزاب, والمطالبة بالعزل السياسي لرموز الحزب الوطني وكل من تورط في الافساد السياسي مع النظام السابق.

تأجيل محاكمة المتهمين في "موقعة الجمل" إلى جلسة الغد لاستكمال سماع شهود النفي

قررت محكمة جنايات القاهرة في جلستها المنعقدة اليوم تأجيل قضية الاعتداء على المتظاهرين السلميين يومي 2 و3 فبراير الماضي والمعروفة إعلاميا باسم "موقعة الجمل" والتي تضم 25 من كبار قيادات وأعضاء مجلسي الشعب والشورى إلى جلسة الغد "الأحد"
لاستكمال سماع أقوال شهود النفي ومناقشتهم، والتصريح لدفاع المتهمين باستخراج المستندات التي طلبوها بجلسة اليوم.
وكانت هيئة التحقيق القضائية في "موقعة الجمل" قد أحالت المتهمين الـ 25 إلى محكمة الجنايات مطلع شهر يوليو الماضي، حيث أسندت إليهم اتهامات تتعلق بقتل المتظاهرين والشروع في قتلهم لأغراض إرهابية وإحداث عاهات وإصابات مستديمة بهم والاعتداء عليهم بالضرب بقصد إرهابهم.
شهدت جلسة اليوم وقائع مؤسفة حيث قام ضباط الشرطة وأفراد الأمن بالتعدي بالضرب على الصحفيين خارج قاعة المحكمة، واستخدموا الحواجز الحديدية في التعدي عليهم لمنعهم من دخول قاعة المحكمة لتغطية وقائع القضية في ضوء وجود ضابطي شرطة ضمن قائمة المتهمين في القضية، على نحو تسبب في تمزيق ملابس أحد الصحفيين.
وشهدت القضية وقائع مثيرة أثناء الاستماع إلى أقوال شهود الإثبات والنفي.. ففي الوقت الذي أكد فيه شاهد الإثبات الصحفي محمد أبو زيد رئيس القسم البرلماني بجريدة "الشروق" أن الدكتور فتحي سرور رئيس مجلس الشعب السابق كان على علم بتوجه مسيرات من دائرته الانتخابية (السيدة زينب) مؤيدة للرئيس مبارك وكانت تستهدف التعدي على المتظاهرين خلال اجتماع جرى صباح يوم 2 فبراير.. نفي الصحفي حسام صدقه المحرر البرلماني لجريدة المصري اليوم علم الدكتور سرور بأية مسيرات تستهدف التعدي على المعتصمين بميدان التحرير خلال الاجتماع.

احباط محاولة إدخال أسلحة بيضاء وغازات مخدرة عبر ميناء الدخيلة بالاسكندرية

تمكن ضباط مباحث الاموال العامة بميناء الاسكندرية من احباط محاولة تهريب الاف الاسلحة النارية والصواعق الكهربائية وغازات مخدرة حاول صاحب شركة تهريبها الى داخل البلاد.
وكانت معلومات وردت الي مدير شرطة ميناء الاسكندرية اللواء محمد لطفي عن قيام صاحب شركة باستيراد رسالة تليفزيونات من الصين وادخالها للبلاد عبر ميناء الدخيلة.
وصرح مدير مباحث الميناء العميد ابراهيم الشناوي اليوم " السبت " بأن التحريات اكدت قيام صاحب الشركة باخفاء الاف الاسلحة البيضاء والصواعق وعبوات غازات مخدرة تستخدم كرادع شخصي محظور استيرادها بين محتويات الرسالة.
وبعد اتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية تمكن العميد اسامة الغتوري رئيس مباحث الاموال العامة بالميناء والمقدم ابراهيم الرافعي وكيل المباحث من ضبط حاوية بداخلها الرسالة وعثر بين محتوياتها علي 46 الف قطعة سلاح ابيض وصواعق كهربائية وغازات مخدرة مختلفة الاشكال وبالتعاون مع رجال الجمارك باشراف احمد فرج سعودي رئيس المصلحة تم التحفظ علي المضبوطات وباشرت النيابة العامة التحقيق

بلاغا ضد اسماء محفوظ ونور ايمن نور..وأحمد عزام لاساءتهم للقوات المسلحة

تلقى اللواء عادل المرسى رئيس هيئة القضاء العسكرى بلاغات ضد كل من اسماء محفوظ ونور ايمن نور واحمد عزام للتحقيق معهم فيما نسب اليهم من توجيه الاساءة للقوات المسلحة

وافاد مصدر عسكرى مسئول فى هيئة القضاء العسكرى اليوم ان رئيس الهيئة تلقى بلاغات من السكان العسكريين المقيمين بجوار مبنى هيئة القضاء العسكرى بمدينة نصر ، افادوا فيها تضررهم من " الالفاظ البذئية والسباب " التى صدرت عن كل من أسماء محفوظ ونور ايمن نور واحمد عزام بحق القوات المسلحة ، وذلك اثناء تواجدهم امام المحكمة العسكرية خلال نظر الطعن المقدم من المدون مايكل نبيل يوم الثلاثاء الماضى ، والتى تقرر تاجيل نظرها إلى يوم الثلاثاء المقبل .
وأضاف المصدر ان البلاغات الواردة إلى الهيئة تضمنت " اسطوانات مدمجه " محملا عليها بالصوت والصورة الالفاظ التى صدرت عن المذكورين فى حق القوات المسلحة والقضاء العسكرى .
وقال المصدر إلى انه سيتم اتخاذ الاجراءات اللازمة من جانب هيئة القضاء العسكرى للتحقيق فى هذه البلاغات .
وأشار المصدر ان القضاء العسكرى يؤكد احترامه الشديد لحرية الرأي والتعبير بدون الاساءة للآخرين، واشار الى إن كل القضايا التي جري التحقيق فيها بالنيابات العسكرية، تم تسليمها للنيابة العامة المختصة إعمالا لقرار رئيس المجلس الأعلي للقوات المسلحة رقم 2 لسنة 2011، حتي القضايا الخاصة بحيازة الأسلحة والذخائر والبلطجة بجميع أنواعه ، باستثناء قضية اتهام 11 مواطنا بمحاولة اقتحام مبنى الامانه العامه لوزارة الدفاع .
واكد المصدر أن القضاء العسكري يباشر اختصاصه الأصيل فى هذه القضية وفقا للقانون رقم 25 لسنة 1966 لاصدار قانون القضاء العسكري، موضحا أن قضية محاولة اقتحام مبني وزارة الدفاع دخل في اختصاص القضاء العسكري اعمالا لنص المادتين 5 أ و1/7 من قانون القضاء العسكري من حيث التعدي علي وحدة عسكرية، وكذلك التعدي علي القائمين (عسكريين) بتأمين المنشأة العسكرية، ولا علاقة لهذه القضية بحالة الطوارئ أو قانون الطوارئ .
وأكد المصدر ان مباشرة التحقيق مع المواطنين فى تهم الاساءة للقوات المسلحة يعد حقا اصيلا للقضاء العسكرى ، مشيرا إلى أن جميع المدنيين تمت إحالة قضاياهم إلى محاكم أمن الدولة العليا والمحاكم العادية تنفيذاً لقرار المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة بوقف إحالة المدنيين للقضاء العسكرى إلا فيما يختص فيه.
كمااشارالمصدر إلى أن هناك مجموعة من الشباب تجرى محاكمتهم لقيامهم بالتعدى على قوات من الشرطة العسكرية ثانى أيام واقعة الاعتداء على السفارة الإسرائيلية، وذلك من صميم اختصاص القضاء العسكرى، بينما تمت إحالة المقتحمين للسفارة إلى النيابة العامة.

‏33‏ حزبا تخوض الانتخابات مع الحرية والعدالة

في تطور جديد قرر‏33‏ حزبا أعضاء في التحالف الديمقراطي‏,‏ خوض الانتخابات علي قائمة واحدة مع حزب الحرية والعدالة ـ الذراع السياسية لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين ـ بعد أن أعلن حزب الوفد تفضيله خوض الانتخابات بقائمة مستقلة‏.
 وأعلن الدكتور محمد البلتاجي عضو لجنة التنسيق الانتخابي, أن القائمة الانتخابية لن تحمل اسم الحرية والعدالة, بل قائمة التحالف الديمقراطي. وقال إن الأحزاب اتفقت علي تطبيق معايير وضوابط محددة, منها الخبرة البرلمانية والكفاءة والجماهيرية, وعدم رفع شعارات دينية أو أيدلوجية.
وأكد أن قائمة التحالف الديمقراطي سترفع شعارات تنموية ووطنية ولن يتم استخدام شعار الاسلام هول الحل وأشار البلتاجي إلي مشاورات تجري بين عدد من الشخصيات العامة لخوض الانتخابات علي قائمة التحالف, ومنهم المستشار محمود الخضيري, والدكتور عمر هاشم ربيع, وضياء رشوان, والدكتور حسن نافعة, ولكن هذه الشخصيات لم تحدد موقفها بعد. من ناحية أخري, غابت القوي السياسية الرئيسية بمختلف فصائلها وائتلافاتها وتياراتها عن مظاهرات جمعة أمس بميدان التحرير, حيث تدفقت علي الميدان عدة مئات رفعوا شعارات الدولة المدنية ولا للبلطجية ولا للطواريء.
وطالب مظهر

أردوغان يتقدم مشيعي جنازة والدته ويرجيء زيارته للحدود السورية

شيع آلاف التركيين جثمان والدة رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب أردوغان التي توفيت صباح يوم الجمعة في مستشفى باسطنبول حيث كانت تعالج. وقالت وسائل إعلام تركية إن أم اردوغان وهي في الثمانينات خضعت لجراحة المرارة.

وكان من المقرر ان يزور أردوغان منطقة الحدود يوم الأحد وذكرت تقارير اعلامية ان اردوغان ألغى زيارة مقررة لمدينة بورصة الغربية يوم السبت، كما ألغى زيارة لمنطقة الحدود يوم الأحد.

وكان اردوغان قد صرح بأنه سيعلن بعد زيارته اللاجئين السوريين مجموعة من العقوبات التركية على سوريا بسبب الحملة التي تشنها على المحتجين المطالبين بالديمقراطية.

Obama campaign memo blast at GOP

President Barack Obama's reelection team issued its harshest critique yet of the Republican presidential field in a memo Monday, hitting frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rick Perry over issues including Social Security and immigration.
Ben LaBolt, press secretary for Obama 2012, said the GOP candidates have embraced policies the American people oppose in an effort to "win the hearts and minds of the Tea Party."

"They would return to the policies that have been tried before and done nothing to improve economic security for the middle class, rewarding special interests who can afford to pay for lobbyists instead of looking out for working families," LaBolt wrote before praising the president's plans to create jobs and strengthen the middle class.
He referenced Texas Gov. Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Romney's positions and comments on Social Security as an example of a disconnect between the current Republican field and the American people.
"Governor Perry called Social Security a 'Ponzi scheme' and continues to question its constitutionality and Governor Romney supports turning Social Security funds over to Wall Street," LaBolt wrote. "Yet even a majority of Republicans oppose a fundamental overhaul of Social Security."
On immigration, he said the GOP field is out of step given their opposition to the DREAM Act, which would grant legal status to the children of illegal immigrants.
He doled out similar disapproval for Republican budget plans that he said would "erode" entitlement programs and criticized those, including Perry and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who have targeted federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Education.
"Instead of laying out a plan to promote America's competitiveness, the Republican candidates have focused on what they want to dismantle," LaBolt said. "America's future will be defined by the success of our middle class, but the Republican candidates are positioning themselves as champions for large corporations and special interests whose plans would leave working families in the lurch."

Romney jabs controversial speaker at Values Voter Summit

Addressing the Values Voter Summit in Washington, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney chided a controversial conservative leader who has denounced Mormonism.
The former Massachusetts governor, whose family has deep ties to the Mormon Church, made no mention of the clamor surrounding Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, who called Mormonism a "cult" after appearing at the summit on Friday.
But Romney did take aim at Bryan Fischer, a director at the American Family Association, who was slated to speak directly after the candidate took the stage Saturday.

Fischer has claimed that Mormons and Muslims have "a completely different definition of who Christ is" than the founding fathers did, and do not deserve First Amendment protections as a consequence.
Without naming Fischer, Romney said those comments are out of bounds.
"One of the speakers who will follow me today, has crossed that line," Romney said. "Poisonous language does not advance our cause. It has never softened a single heart nor changed a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate."
He added, "The task before us is to focus on the conservative beliefs and the values that unite us – let no agenda  narrow our vision or drive us apart."
Few in the audience appeared to catch the reference and some were left wondering if Romney was firing back at Jeffress, but Romney's campaign said the remarks were directed at Fischer.
Fischer took the stage moments later. While he did not single out Mormonism, he said the next president "needs to be a man of sincere authentic genuine Christian faith."
"We need a president who believes in the same creator as who the founders believed," he added.
The Jeffress controversy continued to simmer Saturday at the conference, which was sponsored by the conservative Family Research Council.
Speaking before Romney, former Education Secretary and radio host Bill Bennett weighed in on Jeffress, calling the pastor's comments "bigotry."
"Do not give voice to bigotry," Bennett said. "You stepped on and obscured the words of Perry and Santorum and Cain and Bachmann and everyone else who has spoken here. You did Rick Perry no good sir, in what you had to say."

You say you want a revolution? Run for office

Zuccotti Park is not Tahrir Square, because the United States is not Egypt.
In case this is not obvious to those camping out near Wall Street and in various other cities around the country, consider the following: In about 13 months, all 435 members of the House of Representatives must stand for election. In addition, 33 Senate seats and residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will be up for grabs. And this is just at the federal level. So if the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd wants to peacefully overthrow the government, there is no need to gather in a public square. The demonstrators can work for a candidate or run themselves.
Unfortunately, those who are part of this movement seem to have dismissed this option. The New York group has produced a manifesto of sorts, entitled a "Declaration of the Occupation of New York City." Among the grievances listed (which they helpfully note are not "all-inclusive") is "that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power."
So are we to conclude that since corporations control American politics, the best thing for us to do is to sit outside in a park and issue manifestos? Writing in the pages of CNN.com, Douglas Rushkoff chastises those of us who don't understand the point of all this, explaining that Occupy Wall Street is "the product of the decentralized networked-era culture, it is less about victory than sustainability. It is not about one-pointedness, but inclusion and groping toward consensus."

Frankie Edgar: 'I'm going to come out the winner'

After he graduated from college, Frankie Edgar began working for his stepfather's plumbing business. He woke up early each morning to dutifully trudge to job sites around New Jersey on the hottest and coldest of days.
In the afternoon, Edgar coached wrestling. At night, he treated himself to training in his true passion: mixed martial arts.
Soon Edgar told his family he wanted to quit plumbing and become a professional fighter.
"I'm not one to just drop everything and chase something that I know is not 100% sure," Edgar said, "so I kept training and kept working to support myself, and eventually I got a call from the UFC," said Edgar, referring to the Ultimate Fighter Championship. It's the biggest mixed martial arts, or MMA, league in the United States.
Edgar, whose UFC nickname is "The Answer," suffered his first loss in 2008 after eight straight victories in his professional career. That loss came at the hands of undefeated opponent Gray "The Bully" Maynard.
Edgar and Maynard's second fight in January ended in a draw. With 13 wins, one loss and one draw, Edgar is the league's lightweight champion, a title he earned in 2010.
Now, just before his third match with Maynard on Saturday night in Houston, the 29-year-old Edgar said he was confident that he could beat Maynard for the first time.
"My main goal in between each fight is to become a different fighter, and I think I did that," Edgar said. "As long as I show up and utilize all the improvements that I made, I'm going to come out the winner."
The sport first roped in Edgar while he watched it on television as a teen growing up in Toms River, New Jersey.
"I was pretty much content with wrestling, but I wanted to try a different avenue and still compete," he said. "I thought MMA was the perfect place for me."
His mother and stepfather, he recalls, were not initially as excited by the idea of him making a living as a fighter. But once he joined the UFC in 2005, they gave their support. "They haven't missed a fight since," he said.
Originally called no-holds-barred fighting, variations of MMA date back to at least the late 1800s. It has transformed from a mostly underground sport that Sen. John McCain, R- Arizona, once called "human cockfighting" into a multibillion dollar, global industry.
"It's the fastest-growing sport in the world," says Mike Straka, a long-time MMA journalist and broadcaster who now works in the fight industry.
"It's the only sport that was really birthed during this generation," said Straka, who works at Authentic Brands Group, a developing and licensing firm, and host of a program on the company's Tapout News.
California and New Jersey were the first of the major market states to regulate MMA, in 2000. Most other states have followed but the sport remains illegal in New York, Connecticut and West Virginia.
A focused and steady demographic has helped MMA "quickly become more accepted by the mainstream sports business, evolving from its relatively rogue status at its inception," said Rick Horrow, a visiting expert on sports law at Harvard Law School, who co-authored Beyond the Scoreboard.
While the fan base is mostly youthful and is especially popular among 18-to 34-year-old men, a lot of women get into it, says Ariel Helwani, a reporter for AOL's MMAFighting.com.
Reportedly worth $2 billion, the UFC says it broadcasts in more than 20 languages to nearly 600 million homes in 132 countries. Up to 300,000 people purchased the last Edgar-Maynard fight on Pay-Per-View, according to the Wrestling Observer. Saturday night's fight in HD sells for $54.99.
While MMA fighters might not bring in the reported millions per bout that heavyweight boxers such as Floyd Mayweather versus Victor Ortiz saw last month, how much they earn depends on who they are and what stage of their career they are in, Straka says.
Fight purses range from as little as $10,000 to $500,000 for more experienced and popular fighters, he says. For stars such as Edgar, there is also big money from sponsorships and endorsements. "Frankie Edgar would never need to get another job if he retired tomorrow," Straka said.
Also helping bring the sport into the mainstream is the long-running reality show "The Ultimate Fighter,'' currently running its last season on Spike TV before switching to FX next year. The show is part of a wide-ranging multichannel UFC deal with the Fox Broadcasting Company valued at $700 million.
"It may not be the most well-known sport out there, but it's going to be," Edgar said. "Everybody loves a good fight, man."
Most MMA fighters are either former NCAA wrestlers or traditional martial artists, but the sport is much different from wrestling and boxing.
"You can use practically every part of your body as a weapon," Straka said.
MMA combatants wear 4-ounce gloves and a protective cup. They can fight standing up or on the ground and are allowed to kick and tackle their opponents. Fighters must be barefoot.
Although mixed martial arts looks and sounds more violent than boxing, Straka calls it safer.
"It is the most regulated of all professional sports," he said, noting that fighters have to undergo physical examinations, drug testing and brain scans before every fight.
Edgar says he finds his training schedule less tough than plumbing. He generally has two or three daily practices, each around two hours. That covers everything from strength training and conditioning to boxing and jiu-jitsu.
"I'm kind of on autopilot during a fight. A lot of guys have mental exercises and visualizations -- but for me, this is what I do,'' said Edgar, who weighs 155 pounds and is 5-foot-6 and has what The New York Times calls a fighter's badge of honor: cauliflower ear. The paper describes it as "a deformity initiated by repetitive trauma,'' adding that "cauliflower ear can crumple an outer ear to a misshapen shell.''
Some fighters are known for their showmanship inside and outside the cage, including humor and trash talk. But those who watch Edgar defend his title against Maynard on Saturday will find that what they see is what they get, Straka says.
"Frankie does all his talking inside the cage with his hands and feet -- and his heart."
For Edgar, the outlook is plain, simple and focused.
"I should be able to get up in the morning, put on a shirt and fight somebody,'' he said.
"It's like getting up and drinking a cup of coffee."

Washington's most powerful women

Clinton proved her diplomatic mettle -- and her influence in the White House -- by deftly steering the administration's foreign policy team through the Arab Spring, the most complex and tumultuous period on the international scene in a generation. She's also been at the center of American coordination with Europe, a key element of the Obama administration's multilateral approach.

Bill Clinton: How to fix the economy

FORTUNE -- President Bill Clinton presided over one of the most robust economies in American history. And while some of his success may have been a result of timing and some luck, his leadership his ability to create a consensus, in particular surely had a role and has some people waxing nostalgic over Clintonomics. (Clinton has a new book on the economy, Back to Work, coming out Nov. 8.) Fortune managing editor Andy Serwer met to discuss current economic events with the 42nd President, who was in the midst of his annual Clinton Global Initiative extravaganza in New York City. Edited excerpts: 
How to fix the economy and create jobs
First, Congress and President Obama can adopt strategies designed to unleash the massive amount of capital that is accumulated but not being invested. There's some $2.2 trillion in cash in American banks that is not committed to loans. A couple hundred billion has to be held back for bad mortgages, but there's about $2 trillion that could be used in cash reserves for up to $20 trillion in loans. So, in theory, that would take the world out of recession. And U.S. corporations have about $2 trillion more that they have decided not to invest.
The second thing is to accelerate the resolution of the home mortgage crisis, which would make businesses more eager to borrow, expand and consumers more willing to spend. These kinds of financial crises typically take about five years to get over. What we're really trying to do is beat the historical trend by getting over it more quickly. We can't do that unless we do on a larger scale what we did in the S&L crisis, which is to flush the debt quicker.
The third category includes things that will strengthen our position today and tomorrow. We need to bring back manufacturing. We need to focus on exports. We need to focus on green technologies. There are dozens of things we could do that would create jobs.
Mortgage relief
I cannot emphasize the boost I think it would give the economy if we had a system that said to people whose homes are worth less than the mortgages that you can write down your mortgages to the value of your home if you can make the payment. Or you can extend the mortgage out and lower the interest rate. I don't think we ought to keep dumping these houses on the market when it's so depressed. Can we get the votes to do it? I don't know. When the Tea Party started, they seemed to object to the bailout of the big banks, claiming they were being protected from their own mistakes. That was true, but irrelevant. If a financial collapse had happened, we would have all paid. Now a lot of people argue that you shouldn't rewrite these mortgages because people never should have taken them out in the first place. There's a big problem with that thinking. The market is so depressed that it's hurting everyone else.
Tax reform
The only fair thing to do is a version of what we did with individual tax reform back in the '80s. We need to broaden the tax base by cutting down on deductions and credits and lower rates. I think Congress will do that within a year. I would also like to see money repatriated now for free, with no taxes. We're the only rich country in the world that still imposes taxes on corporations on money they earn overseas. I think they ought to bring it back for nothing if they put people to work with it. And if they want to spend it on compensation or stock buybacks or dividends, let them pay the long-term capital gains rate.
"The Buffett Rule" (The rich pay more)
If we had to raise revenues, it's fair to ask those of us in high-income groups, who got the primary benefit of growth over the last decade. More than 40% of the income growth went to the top 1% of us. That's a stunning statistic. The lion's share of the tax cuts in the last decade, under President Bush's tax cuts, benefited us. The problem is, no matter how much tax we pay, it won't get the budget in balance. I don't mind paying more. But how much is not nearly as important as our having both an aggressive effort to restore growth today and a 10-year plan.

White House crasher auctions wedding ring

Tareq filed for divorce in September and is now purging the couple's possessions in a live auction that will also be streamed on 9021go.com Saturday. His aim, he said, was to "get some closure."
Thirty-seven items are for sale, including bed linens, furniture and art from their Virginia home, plus Tareq's platinum Tiffany's wedding band.
Salahi said he is not auctioning any of the contents of his wife's three large walk-in closets, which have remained untouched since her departure. But he is including the presents that he purchased for her birthday this month and the couple's eighth anniversary, which would have been Nov. 1.
"I bought her a scarf, bracelet and some fancy lingerie, sexy lingerie," he said.

Ferrari auctioned for record $16.4 million

Also included are a Michaele Salahi doll (in the infamous red sari she wore to crash the White House) and Louis Vuitton luggage.
The most expensive item on the auction block is a Frederick Hart sculpture which is valued at over $1 million, according to Salahi.
"A good, fair, decent portion of the proceeds will go to charity," said Alki David, the organizer of the event.
The auction will take place at a boutique in Beverly Hills. Interested buyers can also purchase items online starting at 11 p.m. ET on Saturday and in the days to follow.
Salahi says after the auction he will stay in Los Angeles indefinitely, and that he is currently exploring offers for various television projects

Home ownership: Biggest drop since Great Depression

Certain regions have been hit harder than others. The West had the lowest home ownership rate at 60.5%, while the Midwest had the highest rate at 69.2%.The South came in at 66.7% and the Northeast at 62.2%.
Among the states, New York had the lowest home ownership rate of 53.3%, but the District of Columbia's home ownership rate was below that at 42%.
West Virginia (73.4%) led the way with the highest home ownership rate, while Minnesota (73%), Michigan, Delaware and Iowa (all 72.1%) were also well above the norm.
Number of vacant homes grows by 44%
Thanks to the housing bust there has been a substantial increase in empty homes. The number of vacant housing units jumped an astonishing 43.8% to 15 million (or 11.4% of all housing units) in 2010, up from 10.4 million in 2000.
During that 10-year period, the number of homes in the U.S. increased by 16 million to 131.7 million housing units, according to Census.
Many Sun-Belt states suffered large vacancy increases. In Nevada, ground zero for foreclosures over the past few years, vacancies grew nearly 120% to 14.3% of all homes. Georgia vacancies jumped 82.7%, Florida's 62.6% and Arizona's 61%.
Although vacancies in Maine grew by only 23%, the state had the highest percentage of vacant homes overall at 22.8%. Vermont was close behind with 20.5% of its homes empty. Florida was third with 17.5%.

Foreclosure backlog deepens

Many of the nation's residents have also become renters, especially in large metropolitan areas.
Of the 10 largest cities, New York had the highest ratio with a whopping 69% of all homes in the five boroughs -- Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island -- occupied by renters. Los Angeles had a 61.5% rental rate and Dallas was 55.9%.
San Jose had the lowest percentage of renters for any of the 10 largest cities with just 41.5%. San Antonio (43.5.%) and Phoenix (42.4%) had comparatively few renters as well. To top of page

Ron Paul wins Values Voter straw poll

GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul secured yet another straw poll victory Saturday.
The Texas congressman won 37% of the poll at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, sponsored by the Family Research Council, a social conservative group.

However, not all of those who voted for Paul in the straw poll were necessarily participants in the summit. Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said 600 attendees registered just for Saturday. Paul ended up winning with 732 votes.
Paul has won a handful of straw polls this year, including contests held in California and South Carolina, in addition to a straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February.
Coming in second on Saturday, rising GOP candidate and Georgia businessman Herman Cain took 23% of the vote. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum came in third with 16%.
Two front-runners, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, placed fourth and sixth, respectively. Perry garnered 8% of the vote, while Romney had 4%.
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, who touts herself as a strong social conservative and won the much-watched Ames Straw Poll in Iowa, came in fifth, while former House Speaker Newt Gingrich took seventh place.

When your kid isn't invited

Olivia Nakamura can still remember the neighbor who always hosted a barbecue in his front yard for his son's birthday party. He'd invite all the kids on their suburban Seattle block, except her son and the Asian-American children who lived there.
"I think it was racially motivated since he never invited the other family as well," says Nakamura (not her real name), who has since returned with her husband and two sons to her home state of Hawaii. "My son was only 3 years old, so I just told him they were having a family party."
Welcome to exclusion on the play date circuit.
What should parents do when someone else won't let their kid play with yours? No matter who you are, some parents won't like your family.
It's not just having the "right" skin color, ethnicity or religion anymore. These days, parents might be nervous about your two-mommy family, the sugary soda you let your kid drink, the peanut butter or other food that might kill their kid, your refusal to vaccinate, your habit of cursing or the war games your son is always playing.
Or maybe they won't say why.
Maybe it doesn't matter.
Toddlers learning how to interact with their peers exclude each other on the tot lot. What really matters is how you teach your kid to react to that reality now. Otherwise they'll come home from college sobbing when they don't get into their first-choice classes.
The birthday party invite. Once your kid's circle of potential friends expands to 30 classmates, some parents won't invite the entire class to the birthday party. It's too expensive, their two-bedroom condo won't fit the entire class or perhaps your kids don't like each other. Or maybe they don't like you. That means Janie or Bobby will not get an invitation.
If your child notices the exclusion, address it but don't dwell on it too much, says Ashley Merryman, co-author of "NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children." "You can say something like, 'It would have been nice to be invited, but tomorrow someone else will have a party," says Merryman. "Let's go to the pool or the park." The message: Brush the dirt off your knees and move on. We have other fun stuff we can do. (Be honest with yourself. Aren't you glad you didn't have to buy another present?)
Empower your kid. What do you do when your kid falls flat on his face on the playground, and everyone laughs and calls him "Trippy" for the day? There's a key distinction between the kids who wear that nickname for the day and the kids who wear that name into high school. Research shows that the child who blamed the bullies for doing something wrong didn't stay in the bullied position, says Merryman. He knows they were mean and shakes it off. The child who gets bullied long term thinks the teasing is his fault: "They laughed because I'm a klutz," he thinks.
Don't reassure your kid he's such a great kid. Of course he's great but you're actually telling him he can't change his fate, says Merryman. "Think about it from the kid's perspective: 'I'm really a wonderful kid and they still hate me, what chance do I have?'" says Merryman. "Parents can change that dynamic by telling their kid, 'They did a bad thing. You did a klutzy thing but you can be different tomorrow.'"
Overall, kids need to be praised for their efforts, not their innate abilities. "The more you praise them for who they are, the more you are telling them that success depends on innate skill rather than what they do," she says. "You are telling them not to try. It's really hard to change who you are, not what you do."
Be a mensch. Sometimes the discrimination is obvious and requires you discuss it with your child. But take a breath first. Don't start the conversation with your kid when you are feeling the intense anger or pain of the exclusion. That makes the conversation more about you and your feelings of rejection than teaching your child how to handle the exclusion. Be thoughtful and calm with your response, making sure you're teaching them how to act effectively against bigotry.
Before you act, make sure the bigotry occurred the way you think it did. Even when you think it's obvious racism or other insidious discrimination, sometimes it's not. At the Jewish day schools where noted psychologist Wendy Mogel consults, she often notices historical splits between the Ashkenazi and Sephardic children. (Ashkenazis are traditionally of Western and Central European descent while Sephardic Jews trace their roots to Spain and Portugal.) When the Ashkenazi children weren't invited to a Sephardic child's birthday party, the default explanation was racism. When asked, the Sephardic parent explained that they didn't think the other families would want to come.
"If that happens for the parent, you could be a mensch and make an overture to the family, understanding that family's discomfort," says Mogel, author of the crossover best-seller, "The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children." "If they reject it, just let it go. You're teaching your children character."
Be proactive. Avoid misunderstandings by educating your child's teacher (and therefore the students and parents) before anyone has a chance to say something offensive, suggests Stephanie Meade, founder and editor-in-chief of InCultureParent, an online magazine featuring articles about raising multicultural and multilingual children and parenting around the world. She and her husband are raising their children largely in his Muslim faith.
Meade sees it as their role as parents to ensure their child's identity is positively represented at their preschool. "For our main religious holiday (Eid, to celebrate the end of Ramadan) we brought in a fun book to read and special treats for the kids to share," says Meade. "We gave each of the teachers a nice plant. I am pretty sure everyone at their preschool has a pretty positive association with our religion now as a result."
Make explanations age-appropriate. When Kelly Wickham's son was in second grade, she learned that his friend's mother wouldn't let him come over to play because he read Harry Potter books. Wickham, who writes the Mocha Momma blog, says the other mother took that to mean that "we allowed witchcraft in our house."
"My son was too oblivious to be devastated by this but he kept asking when John (not his real name) could come over and play, thinking we couldn't come up with a time to get together," says Wickham, a Springfield, Illinois, mother of four (mostly grown) children.
By the time Morgan had turned 12, he started asking questions about the incident. "We discussed at length why we can't be friends with everyone if people aren't open to differences" says Wickham. "This led to a great conversation about differences and biases, and all the -isms that prevent humans from understanding one another."
Create your own fun. If your children don't fit into the dominant culture at school, don't make them feel like losers. Instead, make sure they have other nonschool friends and activities they enjoy. Football and cheerleading aren't for everyone, but there's no reason to let the kids on top define what's fun. Your child may prefer an art class, a reading group, a religious social justice movement, a political campaign, creating video games, hiking or dance.
"If they're doing an activity they enjoy with students from other schools who don't have preconceived notions about them, they can gain confidence both in their skills and in their relations with other kids," says Alexandra Robbins, author of "The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth." "Praise them for thinking differently, creatively, out of the box. Kids need to see that they don't need to be, act or look like everyone else in order to have a solid relationship, and that can start at home."
When to worry. It's OK to seek help when you think something's wrong in your child's world. Worry about your child's mental health when you see real symptoms, Mogel says. That includes them losing pleasure in things they used to enjoy, over- or under-eating, becoming socially isolated, coming to your bed at night, complaining of tummy aches, or for little children, chewing on their shirts.
Don't argue about a child's life. Some parents exclude to protect their children's health, whether it's deadly allergies or cancer. Chrystine Ammari's 10-year-old son has battled a malignant brain tumor twice and has a weakened immune system. The Fullerton, California, mom won't allow play dates with kids who haven't been vaccinated or enroll him or his siblings in a classroom where any children haven't been vaccinated.
"The risks of not vaccinating to my child can be devastating, with death being the obvious answer," says Ammari, an original member of 46 Mommas, an advocacy group for childhood cancer. The name of the group, whose members shave their heads to draw attention to the disease, refers to the number of U.S. children diagnosed with cancer each weekday. "But it's also the risk of what they may have been exposed to. Most unvaccinated kids aren't going to carry a disease, and most don't, but that small percent scares the crap out of me."
Take a look at yourself. If your kids get out of hand or won't listen to adult directions, they're not going to get invited to my sister-in-law Noemi's house to play in Clovis, California. (Even my brother and I behave better around her.) With a husband who travels a lot and three children, she doesn't have time to clean up whatever bad habits badly behaved kids are going to teach my superpolite niece and two nephews.
"There was one little girl who would talk back to her parents and say bad words, and my daughter (who was 5) started doing it when we spent time with her," says Noemi Hetter. "I immediately told her to stop and asked her why she was doing it. She said, 'I don't know, I was just doing what my friend was doing.' It didn't take long for me to stop bringing my daughter around this little girl."

Who's angry now? Does Senate spat reflect frustrated national mood?

An emotional debate on the Senate floor Thursday night is putting a microscope once again on the political games in Washington that Americans overwhelmingly detest.
In a rare, direct exchange between Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic Leader Harry Reid on the floor of the chamber, both senators vented frustration during a testy debate on the China currency bill.
Norm Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, thinks that those frustrated senators are mirroring an angry American electorate.
"If you came to the Senate to do things and you're mired in this bulls*** where most of your time is spent spinning wheels or just kind of like a sumo wrestler pushing against the other wrestler in the ring and neither of you moves, that gets frustrating" he said.
Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tennessee, said Thursday night that "members on both sides of the aisle feel like this institution has degraded into a place that is no longer a place where any deliberation at all."
And that sentiment is back up by a Washington Post-ABC News Poll released Wednesday that shows 62 percent said they "strongly disapprove" of Congress, while only 3 percent said they "strongly approved" of what's happening on Capitol Hill.
That sentiment from the public is something that may have contributed to the tense back and forth on the floor, when a final vote on a China currency bill was tabled until next week. The debate was focused over the rights of Republicans, the minority party, to offer amendments to bills.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell protested that the "minority is out of business," while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid shot back, "Let's get back to legislating as we did before the mantra around here was "defeat Obama."
Ornstein said that in the past Reid and McConnell have tended to keep a pretty good relationship. But now, 13 months before the election, they know that they each are playing very different roles.

10 cell phone faux pas you really shouldn't make

If you gave most folks the choice between their smartphone and their nondominant hand, many of us would wave a one-palmed goodbye to Mr. Lefty/Righty, weld our iPhones to our wrists and grimly welcome an existence of Terminator-like efficiency.
Yup, we're addicted to those little bleating beasts, so much so that we fold them wholly into our workaday lives, blindly committing a cornucopia of social indignities with zero cognizance.
Conversely, we look down our noses at those who commit the very same phone faux pas, hypocritically musing over their every social slight. Well, my friends, it's time to stand up and take notice.
We're not asking you to wholly throw out the litany of bad habits below (that is entirely impossible, and we will have executed at least four of 10 before the week is out). We merely ask you to be more aware of when you're about to do something that, if done to you, would send you into a frothy fit of rage.
The iPhone 4S may be sailing toward us on the wings of fall, but the aforementioned bionic scenario is still a ways off (we hope).
Let's all try not to do these:
1). Walking while texting
We know that Harold totally needs to know that you'll be 15 minutes late to his '70s-themed fondue party (because you had a polyester-induced wardrobe crisis), but we're pretty sure that the owner of that baby carriage that you upended in your fervor to alert H. doesn't give a fig about your sartorial issues. And that kid's later-life bed-wetting will be completely your fault.
2). Pulling out the phone at the dinner table
Or pulling out the phone (for any extended period of time) during any social situation, really. Yeah, we know that the notion of beating your brother-in-law at Words With Friends has been haunting your very dreams, but your friend/family member/other of varying degrees of significance is probably much more interesting. If that is not, in fact, the case, consider hanging with your brother-in-law instead.
3). Returning a call with a text
Unless you're in a movie theater, at work or in the middle of an important life moment, said action makes you appear socially awkward.
4). Crop-dusting
It's Friday night and you want to RAGE! Systematically, you scroll through all of your contacts, shooting them nearly identical messages: "What R U up 2 2nite???" Whoever answers first -- or whoever answers with the best, most exciting plans (jello shots and football and girls!!!) -- is the winner. And you have won, too! You won the role of "Flaky Tool" among your disgruntled friend group.
5). Messenger-pigeoning
You're watching that brand new show starring the unmatchably quirky Zooey Deschanel on Hulu when a pal texts you, asking what time you want to have dinner later. You see the text. You think to yourself, "7:30..." You commence watching Zooey dance and twirl. Three hours later, you text back, "7:30." And thusly, you have transported humankind from a time of instantaneous communication to an era when we had to wait for rats with wings to deliver fecal-stained parchments across the sea.
6). Drunk dialing/texting
You already lost most of your dignity when you entered that dance contest after slamming five tequila shots. Retain the remainder and give your phone to a friend.
7). Lifecasting in lieu of living
You may have a problem if: your first thought when gazing up at a sun-splashed sky, rippling and luminescent like a melting watercolor, is "I have to Instagram that" instead of, "Oh, pretty sunset." Similarly: When any semi-intelligent musing becomes worthy of a tweet.
8). Digital dallying
You stopped physically seeing this dude/chick about three weeks ago, but you still text him/her every once in a while ("Whoooaaa, it's like unseasonably warm today!"), you still comment on all of his/her stuff on Facebook and you're currently engaged in a vigorous game of Chess With Friends. You have, in essence, become a DigiPet -- a presence on his/her phone that s/he keeps just barely alive by typing and texting. Very soon, however, your keeper will likely let you die, because you, like a DigiPet, are annoying and useless.
9). Conversations in public
"Yeah, I do think you should dump him. Cheating is just really, really unforgivable. Also, I mean, you don't want to get crabs, right? Oh... I'm sorry, I thought you were looking for my input, seeing as how you've been sitting next to me at this coffee shop for the last 30 minutes, babbling into your earpiece about STDs. On that note, yeah, I think there's a cream for that."

Report: Steve Jobs' private funeral held Friday

The funeral for Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was set to be held on Friday, the Wall Street Journal was reporting.
Quoting an unnamed source, the newspaper said the service would be a small, family affair. The location was not mentioned.
The Journal called the source "a person familiar with the matter."
Apple has said there will not be a public memorial ceremony for Jobs, who died Wednesday in California after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.
In a statement Wednesday, Jobs' family said a website would be created to allow fans to offer their online condolences and tributes.
Apple's website, along with many other tech-cenric sites, was turned into an online tribute to Jobs after news of his death broke.
In its statement announcing the CEO's death, Apple provided an email address -- rememberingsteve@apple.com -- for people wishing to "share your thoughts, memories, and condolences."
Apple has said the company does not know when, or if, there will be a public memorial.
But at Apple's headquarters, Apple stores worldwide and on the Internet, unofficial tributes had already begun by Wednesday evening.
On Apple's campus in Cupertino, California, flags were at half-staff and an impromptu memorial had cropped up by late Wednesday. Apple employees and others showed up to leave flowers, light candles and provide other tributes.
Apple retail stores everywhere became gathering places for the Apple faithful who looked at Jobs as much more than a CEO. At an Apple store in Tokyo, iPads and iPhones showing flickering images of candles had been propped beside flowers and other more traditional items.
Online, a pre-existing group of Apple fans have declared October 14, the day the iPhone 4S will be released, "Steve Jobs Day" as a tribute to his legacy.

Michael Jackson called hiring me 'divine guidance,' Murray says

Michael Jackson begged for his "milk," his nickname for propofol, after a sleepless night and just hours before he died from what the coroner said was an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the singer's doctor Conrad Murray told detectives.
"I've got to sleep, Dr. Conrad," Murray said Jackson pleaded to him. "I have these rehearsals to perform. I must be ready for the show in England. Tomorrow, I will have to cancel my performance, because you know I cannot function if I don't get to sleep."
Jurors in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial heard about half of the two-hour police interview on Friday, before going home for a three-day weekend.
Los Angeles Police Det. Scott Smith, one of two investigators who questioned Murray, is heard telling Murray at the start that he would make the interview "as painless and as quick as possible."
The audio recording, however, was too much for Michael Jackson's oldest sister, Rebbie. After she whispered to a bailiff, she walked into the jury box, next to the alternate jurors, and through the middle of the courtroom to the exit.

Deadly gunfire at funeral of Syrian opposition leader

Anti-government protests across Syria -- one propelled by the funeral of an assassinated Kurdish opposition leader -- turned deadly again Saturday as security forces cracked down, activist groups said.
Mashaal Tammo, a spokesman for the Kurdish Future Party and a member of the newly formed Syria National Council, was shot dead Friday at a private residence in the northeastern city of Qamishli.
The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said after Tammo's funeral, more than 50,000 people joined a mass demonstration demanding the overthrow of the government of Bashar al-Assad. It said two people were killed.
The group said a 14-year-old child was killed in Damascus province and 14 others were injured when security forces opened fire on a funeral procession for protesters killed Friday.
The Local Coordination Committees (LCC) of Syria reported a different toll. It said five people were killed in Qamishili. Another two died in Hama; one in Douma; and one in the Damascus suburb of Dumair.
Meanwhile in London Saturday, five protesters were arrested outside the Syrian Embassy.
A spokesman for London's Metropolitan Police said three people were arrested after climbing the roof of the embassy and two others were taken into custody for separate incidents related to the protest. There was no breach of security, the spokesman said.
In Qamishili, anti-government activists were also staging a general strike to mourn Tammo, the LCC said.
The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported Friday that he was killed by "an armed terrorist group." Local activists said he was slain by members of a pro-government militia.
Catherine Ashton, the European Union's foreign affairs chief, condemned the assassination "in the strongest terms," in a statement Saturday.
"Mr. Tammo's death follows other targeted assassinations in the past days, which are totally unacceptable. These appalling crimes further add to the EU's grave concern over the situation in Syria. All those responsible for and complicit in these crimes must be held accountable," the statement said.
Tammo had previously spent more than three years as a political prisoner for his criticism of the Syrian government, it added.
In Istanbul, Turkey, several dozen Syrians gathered in a hotel basement to remember Tammo.
"The regime is trying to play a game of ethnicity so people fight each other," said Omar Shawaf, a Syrian opposition activist. "Mashaal Tammo was someone who represented unity of ethnic groups. This dirty regime will not keep quiet until they destroy the country and create a civil war."
Mourners relied on some of the same technology that has publicized the uprising in Syria, a country where the media is strictly controlled..
"The government tried to kill him one day before his murder and one month before his murder," said Abdul Ghafar Mohammed, speaking via Skype from Qamishli. "Now Tammo has become a flame of the revolution."
In Arabic, Tammo's first name, Mashaal, means flame.
The EU's Ashton also condemned the beating of opposition leader Riad Saif and urged an end to all violence to allow for a peaceful transition to democracy.
A White House statement Friday said Saif was subjected to a "vicious and unprovoked assault."
The LCC described the attack on Saif, who was beaten in the Damascus neighborhood of Medan, as a "dangerous development" and said the Syrian government was taking advantage of the "lax attitude" of the international community to repress political opponents by violent means.
The Syrian Observatory said Saturday that tens of military tanks were blocking routes out of the western city of Homs, a day after protests over the death of Tammo were held there. Mobile and landline networks were reported to be down.
Clashes also broke out Saturday between security forces and protesters who had pulled down a statue of al-Assad, the LCC said.
The United States called Friday for al-Assad to "step down now" following the assassination and amid continuing violence in the nation.
Assad should resign "before taking his country farther down this very dangerous path," White House spokesman Jay Carney said in the White House statement.
"It is also notable that these acts of violence took place just three days after the U.N. Security Council failed to pass a resolution calling for international human rights monitors in Syria in face of brutal repression," he said, referring to a resolution vetoed by Russia and China.
Earlier this week, Russia and China vetoed a U.N. Security Council draft resolution condemning Syrian authorities for using violence against anti-government demonstrators.
The two nations argued the proposed resolution would lead to military intervention similar to the NATO operation to protect anti-government protesters in Libya.